4 Things OITNB Taught Us About the Marketing World

By: Meredith Broadwater, @Mere_Broadwater

OITNB Meredith Broadwater Ohio University ImPRessions
Netflix is every college student’s frenemy. We love to binge watch seasons of our favorite shows, but sometimes it can take away from studying. Fortunately, there are shows like Orange Is the New Black that teaches us how to showcase our best qualities and embrace our flaws, which makes procrastinating seem a whole lot better for us than it actually is.

  1. Everyone makes mistakes (shoutout to Miley Cyrus for this one).

It’s college, you’re going to do things you regret. You’re going to have posts on social media that probably shouldn’t be there, at least until you turn 21, but if Piper Chapman has taught us anything about life, it’s going to be OK. Life goes on and you learn to untag yourself or delete those posts when you’re applying for jobs.

  1. Asking for what you want can get you what you want.

Underground businesses would not be a thing in Litchfield if it wasn’t for asking people to do favors. Whether that’s asking someone to sneak worn panties out of prison or asking if someone can recommend you for a position, both require you to ASK for what you want. Making your goals clear to others is the best way to achieve them.

  1. Having an elevator pitch or interview answer that’s too long can make someone lose interest.

The intro to OITNB is quite long, if you weren’t aware. It’s enough time for you to realize that you’re too tired to keep watching and turn it off. When it comes to introducing yourself or answering interview questions, keep this in mind. Show your personality while keeping it short, sweet and to the point.

  1.  Staying up to date on the real world is hard, but necessary.  

Whether it’s a vacation where you don’t check your phone all the time or you’re just oblivious to the world around you, knowing what’s going on in the world and checking in on social media is vital to the marketing world. Keeping up with everything that’s going on in the world is difficult. There is SO much happening, but if you never heard of Pinterest you would have to be living under a rock (or in this case, in prison).

Taking what Piper Chapman and the other inmates at Litchfield have taught us, prepare to explore the marketing world! Having the opportunity to learn from every possible outlet that we have available to us is something we should take advantage of. Thank you, Netflix!

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